Dr. Rana Clinic | Best Sexologist in Saharanpur | Top Ayurvedic Doctors

Dr. Rana is a famous sexologist in saharanpur. If you are suffering from any sexual health problem then feel free to contact Dr. Rana at Saharanpur City.

Dr. Rana provides best ayurvedic treatment for premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, low sperm count and other sexual health problems.

years of experience

Patients Recovered



Dr. Rana – Best & Top Rated Sexologist in Saharanpur

Dr. Rana provides compassionate, high-quality healthcare to our patients and their families. he believes that every patient deserves personalized care that is tailored to their individual needs and goals.

Dr. Rana offers a wide range of services, including preventive care, diagnosis and treatment of Premature Ejaculation, Erectile Dysfunction, Low Sperm Count, Excessive Nightfall, and De-Addiction  and management of chronic conditions

Experiencing Problems Like

Premature Ejaculation

Get Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Premature Ejaculation in Saharanpur at Dr. Rana Clinic. 

Erectile Dysfunction

Get Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction in Saharanpur at Dr. Rana Clinic. 

Low Sperm Count

Get Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Low Sperm Count in Saharanpur at Dr. Rana Clinic. 

Low Stamina

Get Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Low Stamina in Saharanpur at Dr. Rana Clinic. 

Excessive Nightfall

Get Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Excessive Nightfall in Saharanpur at Dr. Rana Clinic. 


Get Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Leukorrhea in Saharanpur at Dr. Rana Clinic. 


Get Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Drug, Smoke & Drink Addiction in Saharanpur at Dr. Rana Clinic. 


Get Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Piles (Hemorroids) in Saharanpur at Dr. Rana Clinic. 

Weight Gain & Loss

Get Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Weight Gain & Weight Loss in Saharanpur at Dr. Rana Clinic. 

Empowering Your Sexual Wellbeing for a Fulfilling Life

Maintaining good sexual health involves several factors, including practicing safe sex, getting regular sexual health screenings, managing any chronic conditions that may impact sexual health, and seeking treatment for any sexual problems or concerns. 

Couples Counseling

Individual Therapy

Herbal Remedies

Nutrition and Wellness Counseling

We Are Different from others You Can Trust Us

Dr. Rana has 10+ Years of Experience B. A. M. S, 10 years. Dr. Rana is a certified herbal specialist with an immeasurable specialization in offering natural treatment for male sexual problems and female sexual problems. Practice. Since 2012 In the field of Ayurveda, our treatment and medicines never had any side effects to date.

What I’m Offer

Your sexual health is a crucial aspect of your overall well-being, and we are committed to helping you achieve optimal sexual health. We understand that sexual health concerns can be difficult to discuss, but we want to reassure you that Dr. Rana is here to provide compassionate and confidential care.

Whether you are seeking preventive care, treatment for sexual health concerns, or education on safe sex practices, we are here to support you. Our goal is to empower you to take control of your sexual health so that you can enjoy a fulfilling and healthy life.

Don’t let sexual health concerns go untreated. If you are experiencing any issues related to sexual health, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Dr. Rana is here to provide the care and support you need to achieve optimal sexual health.

999+ Happy Patients

Life-changing care from a compassionate sexologist”

“I can’t thank my sexologist enough for the care and support they provided me during a difficult time in my life. I had been struggling with sexual dysfunction for years and was too embarrassed to seek help. But my sexologist was compassionate and understanding, and they helped me feel comfortable discussing my concerns.”


Through their expert care and guidance, I was able to overcome my sexual dysfunction and regain confidence in my sexual health. They provided me with the tools and resources I needed to maintain good sexual health, and their support made all the difference.


You might have a question

here are some related questions you may like

When should I see a sexologist?

You may consider seeing a sexologist if you are experiencing any sexual health concerns or difficulties that are impacting your overall well-being and quality of life. This can include issues such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, sexual anxiety or performance anxiety, or relationship-related sexual problems.

What can I expect during a visit to a sexologist?

During your visit to a sexologist, you can expect a confidential and non-judgmental environment where you can discuss your concerns openly. The sexologist will conduct a comprehensive assessment, which may involve discussing your medical history, current sexual concerns, and any relevant emotional or relationship factors. Based on this evaluation, the sexologist will develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Are the discussions and treatments confidential?

Yes, discussions and treatments with a sexologist are strictly confidential. Your privacy is a top priority, and all information shared during your visits will be kept confidential according to professional ethics and legal guidelines.

How long does treatment with a sexologist usually last?

The duration of treatment with a sexologist can vary depending on the nature and complexity of your concerns. Some issues may be resolved with a few sessions, while others may require longer-term therapy or follow-up visits. The sexologist will discuss the anticipated duration of treatment with you and provide regular evaluations of your progress along the way.

Will my partner be involved in the treatment process?

In many cases, involving your partner in the treatment process can be beneficial, especially if the sexual concerns involve the dynamics of your relationship. The sexologist may suggest joint sessions or couple therapy to address any relational aspects contributing to the sexual issues. However, the involvement of your partner is entirely based on your preference and comfort level.